Friday, 17 March 2017

Bike and Brekky Bash!

This morning we all woke up nice and early to head down to Central Park to start our bike ride from Collie to Allanson and back again. This bike ride was to prepare us for the three cycle tours we're doing while we're away.  It was certainly interesting to see how everyone coped with an early morning, especially on a Saturday! We could see a few people might not be morning people! We got geared up, checked our bikes and away we went.  We had Mrs McDonald and Tristyn tackling riding a tandem bike! After a quick practice they were ready to go. We headed off through town, a big group, nearly 30 of us! We kept to a two by two formation and had to make sure we contained the energy of Cam, Josh & Connor who rounded us up when anyone started falling behind.  We had one hiccup on the way out to Allanson... Jess ended up with two flat tyres! Luckily, she was carrying a pump to pump them back up and off we went again. Just as we got to Allanson, Ashliegh's chain came off so Mr Croft worked his magic and got her ready to go again! We had a quick drink break and headed back into town.  On the way back into town, we had one stack.... Mr Blackmore forgot which side his back brakes were and hit the front ones instead and oops there he goes! A small but somewhat graceful stack, and unfortunately (he might say fortunately) no one got photographic evidence! But it was definitely a good laugh, he jumped up and was completely fine, no injuries whatsoever. Back on the track, we only had a few minor incidents of tyre rubbing from a domino effect of braking! "It's easier on the way back in" we were told, I think a few people would disagree with that! But all in all it was a fantastic ride with some pretty nice scenery. While riding alongside Taylor having a chat, Miss Thomson found out that Taylor had only just learnt to ride a bike yesterday and she did an absolutely brilliant job of controlling her bike, commitment and dedication at its finest!  We arrived back into town to some of the parents and Mrs Curran (who injured her ankle a few days ago and couldn't participate today) cooking us some breakfast. What a great end to a fantastic morning! Bring on the tour!  - Miss Thomson

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